
sunny friedaze

i am still at work. tho this week could be considered a fast moving one, it is GORGEOUS outside and im stuck inside. i feel like a 5th grader on her last day of school during her last class on the most beautiful day of the year, vacantly staring out the window...
my evening is undetermined as of yet but i have solid plans to meet with bon jovi (as he is affectionately referred to by frankie) to have my hair did. its about time too. for some reason i've settled into the "boring hair" category lately and i think the sun and warmth have inspired me to return to my outrageous behaviour that rewarded me with many memorable experiences over the summer. so when you see me on tuesday night i might look a bit different...which is a very good thing. and i REALLY need clothes because i look like a clothes-recycling poster girl for hippies on how to mismatch the three outfits you own.
other than that, the sweets is angry with me because she wants to go be salsa queen with her latino counterparts and whitey over here cant dance anyways but regardless has a job to do in promoting because tiny dancer has to go on hiatus from the city with her new girl. and then theres the stress of these flyers of which a genious idea was handed to me by berti the ever so talented graphic designer/one time best friend (tho i will often still refer to her as such), and frankie the stylist as already been incorporated into this mix tho we are still without models and other essential components.
tapping my fingers waiting until 3.30 when i will meet the sweetness for my lunch break for a stroll in the park.
did i ever mention that i love new york city.


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