

as everyone departs on journeys that will span the country, it is an interesting time in new york city.
it becomes evident that people migrate. they move and change with time and colors. this city holds us together under a loose ribbon. we are free to leave whenever we please but we continue to come back for more.
and life changes.
waking up this gloomy morning i feel refreshed and prepared for each moment that challenges me.
stretching each limb as if to prepare for an athletic event, acknowledging that the event is life itself.
because this life will throw you surprises and in the next moment, everything can change. like everyone can be absent from a city you know only when it is populated with familiarity.
there are stages to our lives but they are not giant apparent steps which we see coming.
they creep up on you and before you can accept the offer of newness, you are in it.
you are a product of the motion. a result of the exchanges and rearranges that keep the pulse in the street, the beat under the manholes, the breath in the buildings.
we fulfill roles that we create, and together perform a symphony that shifts with each measure as each of our moments open new avenues and alleys.
lacking in structure yet structure is all we seek, modifications on an idea that does not exist.
and this love i have for friends who have become family, and family who have become friends.
i deeply respect the choices you have made and the future you have chosen, may your symphony be delicate, honest, and giving.

to amy and rinaldo.


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