

mr dylan and i tend to have interesting conversations often...today we began discussing the name richard and its nickname...dick.
we began to ponder the resilience of such a name after all the years of torment, negative connotations, and teasing.
its one thing to accept the name richard as a representation of your new born child...richard is respectable, with predecessors such as richard the lionheart, former ruler of great britain along with the other richard royalty lineage, or richard branson of "virgin" (as in records, airlines, cola, etc) fame.
but still the name richard can be silly and embarrassing as in richard simmons sweatin to the oldies, or richard milhouse nixon sole bearer of impeached u.s. president title.

it is an entirely different thing to accept that the name richard will be somehow transformed into a shortened "dick", which as a side note makes absolutely no sense.
it should be forbidden in a child's upbringing that he is ever referred to as dick by his parents or guardians. it should then of course be assumed that any self respecting man would avoid introducing himself as or allow the reference to himself to be "dick".
why, oh why, do these poor pathetic men continue to identify with such a term that we all know should remain reserved to one not so favorable aspect of the male human anatomy.

are we to assume then that it is acceptable to refer to any richard as dick, should we fear that we might insult this person by doing so? should we fear that this person might actually prefer this nickname?

one last thing...if all richards are referred to as dick, what does that really say about
little richard?


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