

so im debating having another glass of wine before my "date".
i've had one, but having another would entail opening up another bottle. i dont know if im prepared to do that since im pretty sure we'll open one at dinner.
but then i dont want to be too inebriated.
dates are funny arent they?
there are moments of discomfort, anxiety, getting to know one another...bla bla bla
but after a few dates everything is cool, and it becomes an entirely different situation.
like you are just hanging out with someone you really like, and you get to kiss...always a good thing.
so i dont know if dates are funny per se, but interesting definitely.
i like them tho.
it took me several years to go on my first "date"
only recently actually.
my past experiences involved going out and meeting people,
going out again, then maybe going home with the same people.
but never dates.
and never girlfriends.
thats another thing that i realized today.
i was having a discussion today with my friend about our ex-girlfriends and she was shocked to hear that i only have two.
technically i guess you could consider my first girlfriend just that, but we were "together" for one month and i only hold on to that because she was the first girl i was with...i figure she deserves a bit more than to be thrown into the pile with all the other girls who werent my girlfriend...
and believe me there are quite a few, and thats why my friend was so shocked.
maybe she thought i was some big ho, because she thinks ive been with all these women, and maybe i've been with some, just not as many as most might think.
anyways, of the women i have been with, only two of them have actually been my girlfriends...coincidentally, i lived with both of them.
im still trying to figure out how much the second one counted, but the first one was certainly a lesbian psuedo-marraige...four year type shit.
thank god thats over.
actually thank god they are both over.
dates are great these days.
especially dates with this one...
she's a great date.
every date we've had has been fulfilling
enough about me.
wait a minute, why are you reading this then...
i've got to get ready for my date.


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