

I'm blue
Da ba dee
Da ba doo
Da ba dee
Da ba doo
Da ba dee
Da ba doo.

Conveniently, the sky is grey....so we kinda match.

But I went camping this weekend and it was beautiful and sunny out. The sun was shining the whole way down the river while Butt Buddy and Bomber and I drank and smoked our way to the end of the river course...no rapids.



Why does work have to suck so bad?

Salsa dancing in Newport News Virginia.

Eating fresh coconut from a tree in Cockpit Country Jamaica.

Taking pictures on the beach in San Diego California.

Writing letters by the Charles river in Boston, Massachusetts.

Climbing cliffs in Riomaggiore - Cinque Terre, Italy.

Playing acoustic guitar in the woods at Michigan Womyns Festival, Michigan.

Climbing the stairs up the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.

Sitting in my cubicle in New York, New York.