the love fest
i spent my memorial day weekend at my vacation home in battery park city with the most adorable little shit of a dog and a woman i cant help but be crazy about.
the dog had a great time.
we hardly did shit other than looking into eachother's eyes and being mushy and lovey and all that. oh, and playiing with the puppy of course.
it was honestly like a vacation. there were no business phone calls, no friends urging me to go out, no problems, no alarm clocks (thats a blatent lie...the dog licking my hand at like 7.30am was quite the wake up call), and absolutely no stress.
so i feel refreshed...completely.
big thanks to the doggie's mommie..
and especially to my woman. fucking wonderful weekend.
and all my friends have high powered jobs with offices and responsibilities. and my days consist of me waking up and taking charge of my life. hustlin.
cuz i dont have a paycheck. i have the opportunity to make money, its right in my face. my job is to figure out how to get that money in my pocket. hustlin.
its nice to not have to answer to someone.
its nice to determine my own future.
*snapshot* pride party comin up really really really soon..
thanks to the kids in the photo shoot.